Rental Agreement





Please read the Rental Agreement carefully, by booking, you agree to all the terms and conditions outlined on this agreement.

House Rules

Please inform us in advance of your expected arrival time and departure timing. If your arrival time is delayed beyond 1 hour then please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate the delay however we may need to re-arrange the check-in time or for you to collect the keys from us if we have other pre-arranged commitments. 

We offer flexible check-in & check-out times, however where we have guests coming or leaving the same day we may apply check-in times and check-out times – typically checkout before 11am and checkin times after 3pm but see your booking summary as times my vary.

Late check-in needs to be pre-arranged and confirmed with us at least 3 days before arrival and they are subject to the following charges for arrival between these times if there is no self-checkin option available:

From 19:00 to 22:00 - £40 

From 22:00 to 00:00 - £65 

From 00:00 to 7:00 - £100

These prices may differ during public holidays (e.g. Christmas time). These fees need to be paid in advance and cannot be paid at the property. 

If you stay beyond your agreed check-out time you will be liable to pay for an extra night at your average nightly price. 

A minimum security deposit of GBP 300 is required to be paid in advance of your arrival as per the terms of the booking channel,14 days prior to arrival (bookings made within 14 days of arrival will be charged at the time of the booking) for incidentals. The security deposit is fully refundable after your departure, subject to a damage inspection of the accommodation. The security deposit needs to be paid in advance on the same credit card provided at the time of booking and cannot be paid at the property. 

This property will not accommodate hen, stag or similar parties. This property is located in a residential area and guests are asked to refrain from excessive noise and you are required to keep the place clean & tidy with no dirty dishes left over. 

There is a strictly no smoking policy inside the accommodation or on the outside spaces belonging to the property (such as patios, balconies and garden spaces), if this policy is not adhered to a charge of GBP 150.00 will be applied. 

No pets are allowed unless permission has been given or specified as pet friendly in the booking summary.


Lost keys or getting locked out will incur a charge starting from £100 for replacement depending on the type of key or getting you back in the property.


We do not accept Cash payment for any of the charges mentioned above. 



Terms and Conditions

Booking Fees and Charges 

1.0. You agree to pay the Accommodation Fees as set out in the Booking Summary without deduction, you also agree to discharge the cost of any damage to the Accommodation or contents and to pay any fees in relation to overstaying. 

1.1. On dispatch of the Confirmation of Booking you will be liable to pay the fees due in full and HelloGuest will collect a prepayment for an amount as set out in the Booking Summary (which may be the entire amount of the fees due).  The payment is due in full no more than 2 weeks before check in, 10% of the booking will be collected at the moment of booking and the remaining 14 days prior check in. If you book less than 2 weeks in advance the payment will be collected in full. If the booking is not paid within the deadlines, it will be cancelled.

1.2. All fees and charges will be collected by HelloGuest on behalf of the Homeowner and will be inclusive of VAT. 

1.3. The check-out time at the Accommodation is as stated in the Booking Summary. Unless you have agreed a late check-out with HelloGuest or a further period of rental then you will be responsible for a full day’s Accommodation Fee for any overstaying. If you overstay by more than 2 hours then we reserve the right to enter the Accommodation, remove your belongings, change the locks to the Accommodation and take such further action as may be necessary (and we will charge you for the costs of any such action) you will also be liable for an additional fee of £250 per day (or part thereof)  for any unauthorised overstaying in addition to the daily Accommodation Fee.


Cancellation Policy


2.0. The applicable cancellation policy terms are shown on the booking site on the property listing page under Cancellation and again shown on the booking summary pages before you agree to these terms and conditions to complete the booking.


2.1. Cancellation policies may be reduced or waived on a discretionary basis if there are proven extenuating circumstances leading to the cancellation.


2.2. Service fees if applicable taken by the booking channel are not refundable.


2.3. Each Rental Agreement represents a contract to occupy a given property on given dates. Any variation of dates or accommodation will amount to a cancellation of a booking, unless HelloGuest agree otherwise.


2.4. Should you wish to cancel or amend your reservation, please either reply to your confirmation email or email us at [email protected] along with the details of the reservation. 


General Terms Staying in the Accommodation

3. You have primary responsibility for your own safety during your stay at the Accommodation. You must read any fire or health & safety guidance which is provided to you and you must listen to any instructions or explanations which are provided by HelloGuest’s check-in staff if applicable when showing you around the Accommodation. 

4. If you become aware of anything during your stay which you believe is a health & safety risk you must inform HelloGuest immediately. 

5. You must comply with any building regulations and House Rules and any reasonable directions of the Homeowner or HelloGuest.

6. HelloGuest will not tolerate any verbal or physical abuse towards any of its staff or representatives. If this occurs you will no longer be able to stay at the Accommodation and will not receive a refund for any remaining days for the stay.

7. You may not allow any person other than the person named in the Booking Summary to occupy the Accommodation at any time together with such number of additional guests as may be specified in the Booking Summary. This Agreement is personal to you and may not be transferred to any other person. The Homeowner will not allow any person other than the person named in the Booking Summary to access or occupy the Accommodation during the Rental Period. 

8. The Accommodation information specifies the maximum permitted number of guests who are authorised to stay in the Accommodation. If you allow more than the maximum number of people to occupy or stay in the Accommodation the rental may be terminated immediately and you will be liable to pay a supplement of up to £250 per night in respect of each unauthorised guest and the rental may be terminated immediately. 

9.0. In addition to complying with the House Rules and all reasonable directions you also agree that you will:

9.1. keep the Accommodation clean, tidy and clear of rubbish and leave the Accommodation in the same condition as you find it;

9.2. not keep or take any pets or animals into the Accommodation (unless otherwise agreed with us and specified as pet-friendly in the Booking Summary);

9.3. not do anything that will or might constitute a breach of any consents in relation to the Accommodation or which will or might be in breach in whole or in part any insurance effected in respect of the Accommodation from time to time;

9.4. if the Accommodation is part of a building or complex with common parts, not obstruct or leave any objects or waste in any common parts; not leave any obstruction outside of the Accommodation;

9.5.not take any property, belongings or personal effects at the Accommodation;

9.6.not to move any furniture from its original position and/or room within the Accomodation;

9.7. not to do or permit to be done on the Accommodation anything which is or which may be or become a nuisance, (whether actionable or not) damage, annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to the Homeowner or to tenants or occupiers of the building or any owner or occupier of neighbouring property including (but not limited to) playing loud music or musical instruments, dancing, entertaining at the Accommodation or moving furniture;

9.8. not conduct any illegal or immoral activity from the Accommodation;

9.9. not conduct any business or commercial activity whatsoever from the Accommodation;

9.10. not make any alteration or addition whatsoever to the Accommodation or its contents;

9.11. not use the Accommodation for any purpose other than for personal accommodation;

9.12. not invade the privacy of the Homeowner nor publish or reveal anything which might allow a third party to identify the address of the property or the identity of the Homeowner (even if such information is already in the public domain). 

10.0. You acknowledge that the Accommodation is a home and you agree not to access any cupboard or drawers which have been sealed with tamper tape and you agree to pay a fixed charge as set out in the House Rules for any breach of any tamper tape. 

11.0. You hereby indemnify the Homeowner in respect of any costs, claims, liabilities or expenses suffered or incurred by the Homeowner (or their agents) in respect of any breach of these clauses. 

Property Damage 

12.0. HelloGuest recommends that you hold personal insurance for accidental damage and personal liability. 

12.1. If on arrival at the Accommodation you discover anything is missing or damaged then this must be reported to HelloGuest immediately otherwise it will be presumed that the damage/loss was caused by you and a charge will be made.

12.3. You must notify HelloGuest of any damage to the Accommodation, contents, fixtures or fittings which occurs during your stay, even if you regard the damage as fair wear and tear or if you do not believe the damage is your fault. 

12.4. If you do declare any damage then you are responsible for full replacement but a sum equivalent to £5 per night of the Rental Period of such damage will not be charged to you. 

12.5. Any deductions for property damage will be taken from the credit or debit card you have supplied and/or on which we have pre-authorised an amount as a security deposit but for the avoidance of doubt you will be liable for the full amount of any damage and not just the amount pre-authorised by way of deposit. 

Liability and Claims

13.0. Any claims made by you under this Agreement must be made initially through HelloGuest. HelloGuest has the authority to negotiate and settle claims on behalf of the Homeowner. 

13.1. The Homeowner will not be liable to you for any business, financial or economic loss or for any consequential or indirect losses such as lost reputation, lost bargain, lost profit, loss of anticipated savings or lost opportunity arising as a result of this Agreement, the Accommodation or the rental (whether such loss arises as a result of the Homeowner’s negligence or otherwise). 

13.2. Nothing in the last 4 clauses of clause 10 inclusive limits or excludes the liability of the Homeowner for death or personal injury arising as a result of their negligence or the negligence of their agents or employees. 


14.0. Every reasonable care will be taken to ensure that the Accommodation is presented to you to a  high standard. Should you find on arrival that there is a problem, or cause for complaint, you should immediately refer this to the HelloGuest representative on arrival or contact HelloGuest. Reasonable steps will be taken to assist you. 

14.1. The Homeowner acting through HelloGuest is committed to ensuring that any problems or complaints you may have whilst at the Accommodation are resolved efficiently and promptly, but as such we must be given the opportunity to do so. Any failure to notify HelloGuest immediately or refusal of reasonable rectification may affect your right to compensation. Reporting any items or issues after the stay, thus making it impossible to check or rectify in time will not receive any compensation.

14.2. You must be contactable on the telephone number you provided or provide another number so that HelloGuest can communicate with you about the problems or complaints. You must not independently move to other accommodation without first allowing the Homeowner (acting through HelloGuest) the reasonable opportunity to assist in resolving the complaint or problem. If you do so, or refuse reasonable rectification, this may affect your right to any compensation. 

14.3. Any issues claimed for that would not significantly affect your ability to stay and make use of the property will not be subject to claim for compensation for a full refund of the stay and can only be claimed for the period affected.

14.4. You must formally confirm any unresolved complaint in writing by email to HelloGuest ([email protected]) within 28 days of the end of your Rental Period. 


15. You agree that you have the power to enter into this Agreement. 

16. You will not be entitled to withhold by way of set-off, deduction, counterclaim any amounts which you owe to the Homeowner against any amounts that that may be owed to you.

17. The Homeowner will be entitled to sub-contract or delegate their obligations under this Agreement. 

18. The Homeowner will not be liable to you or be deemed to be in breach of these terms by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of their obligations, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond their reasonable control such as severe weather, subsidence, power or  other utility cut-off, burglary, natural disaster, strikes, governmental action, terrorism, war and civil unrest. 

19. Save in the case of fraud these terms represent the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any previous marketing information, representations or agreements whether recorded in writing or otherwise 

20. The parties agree that these terms are fair and reasonable in all the circumstances. However, if any provision of these terms is held not to be valid by a court of competent jurisdiction but would be valid if part of the wording were deleted, then such provision shall apply with such deletions as may be necessary to make it valid. If any of the provisions in these terms are held not to be valid the remaining provisions of these terms shall remain in full force and effect. 

21. These conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. 

22. If you breach these terms and conditions and the Homeowner decides to take no action or neglects to do so, then the Homeowner will still be entitled to take action and enforce their rights and remedies for any other breach. 

23. This Agreement is between the Guest named on the Booking Summary (“you”) and the homeowner (“the Homeowner”) of the accommodation as detailed in the Booking Summary (“the  Accommodation”). The Homeowner is the owner of the Accommodation or the person who is duly authorised to arrange rentals of the Accommodation. This Agreement details the terms and conditions which apply between you and the Homeowner relating to your rental of the Accommodation. 

24. HelloGuest is the Homeowner’s agent for the purpose of this Agreement but is not the Homeowner. Please note that this Agreement is between you and the Homeowner. 

25. This Agreement is a licence to occupy the Accommodation during the agreed period as set out in the ‘Booking Summary’ (Rental Period). You are not a tenant of the Accommodation and you have not been granted exclusive possession of the Accommodation. You are renting the Accommodation under a licence of occupation